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2011-07-10 | Agate, Freisen, Allemagne [Section 88 ] (5,5x4,3x2,7 cm)

2011-07-09 | Section 88

2011-07-07 | Section 88

2011-07-07 | Section 88

2011-07-07 | Agate, Allemagne [ Section 87 ]

2011-07-07 | Agate, Patagonie [ Section 87 ]

2011-07-05 | Agate, Argentine [ Section 87 ] ( 23 x 14 x 7 cm )

2011-07-04 | Agate, Patagonie [ Section 87 ]

2011-07-04 | Agate, Maroc [ Section 87 ]

2011-07-03 | Agate, Patagonie [ Section 87 ]

2011-07-03 | Agate, Patagonie [ Section 87 ]

2011-07-03 | Agate, Patagonie [ Section 87 ]

2011-07-03 | Agate, USA [Section 87 ]

2011-07-03 | Agate, USA [Section 87 ]

2011-07-01 | Jaspe, Biggs, Sherman Country, Oregon, USA [ WORLD OF JASPERS - Collection Hans Gamma - ] ( Section 87 )

2011-07-01 | Section 87

2011-07-01 | Section 87

2011-06-30 | Agate, Maroc [ Section 87 ]

2011-06-30 | Agate, Maroc [ Section 87 ]

2011-06-30 | Agate, Steinbruch Setz ( ou Freisen ? ), Allemagne [ Section 87 ]

2011-06-30 | Agate, Allemagne [ Section 87 ]
Au-delà du monde matériel

2011-06-29 | Agate, Maroc [ Section 87 ]
Clair de Terre au pays des Djinns

2011-06-29 | Agate, Maroc [ Section 87 ]

2011-06-29 | Agate, Patagonie [ Section 76, Patagonian Stars III ]

2011-06-29 | Agate, Patagonie [ Section 87 ]

2011-06-26 | Agate, USA [Section 87 ]

2011-06-26 | WORLD OF JASPERS - Collection Hans Gamma - [ Section 84 ]
Charles Baudelaire : "... sous des cieux plus beaux..."

2011-06-26 | Agate, Argentine [ Section 87 ] ( 7,5 x 3,8 x 3,2 cm )

2011-06-25 | Agate - Maroc - Collection Roland Schäfer [ Section 87 ] Ø 1,5 mm

2011-06-25 | Agate - Maroc - Collection Roland Schäfer [ Section 87 ] Ø 2,5 mm

2011-06-25 | Agate - Maroc - Collection Roland Schäfer [ Section 87 ] 2,4 x 1,5 cm

2011-06-24 | Agate, Brésil [ Section 87 ]
Terre Promise

2011-06-24 | Agate, Brésil [ Section 87 ]

2011-06-17 | Agate, Patagonie [ Section 87 ] Ø 3 mm
Profil au diadème bleu turquoise.

2011-06-13 | Agate, Patagonie [ Section 87 ] Ø 3 mm
Deux profils face à face, l´un clair, l´autre sombre.

2011-06-13 | Agate, Patagonie [ Section 87 ]
Un visage

2011-06-13 | Agate, Patagonie [ Section 87 ] 26x24x18mm

2011-06-13 | Agate, Patagonie [ Section 87 ]

2011-06-13 | Agate, Patagonie [ Section 87 ] 37x38x25mm

2011-06-13 | Agate, Mexique [ Section 87 ]

2011-06-13 | Agate Mexique [ Section 87 ]
"La Petite Fille aux allumettes", conte de Hans Christian Andersen.

2011-06-12 | Agate, Argentine [ Section 87 ]

2011-06-12 | Agate, Ploczki, Pologne [ Section 87 ]

2011-06-12 | Agate, Laguna, Mexique [ Section 87 ]

2011-06-12 | Jaspe Mookaite, Mooka Creek, Kennedy Range, Australie

2011-06-12 | Agate, Patagonie [ Section 87 ]

2011-06-12 | Vitrine Anliker, Berne : Oeuvres de Sonja Gsell Faesser [ ] ( section 87 )

2011-06-12 | Vitrine Anliker, Berne : Oeuvres de Sonja Gsell Faesser [ ] ( section 87 )

2011-06-11 | Agate, Argentina, 12.5 x 7.6 x 1.3 cm - Formerly in the collection ot Roland Noack - Section 106 and 87

2011-06-11 | Agate, Patagonie [ Section 87 ]

News précédentes
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